Sunday Brunch Chat

CIBEC has decided to set up a memorable series of Sunday brunch chats at the Château Laurier. The goal is to regularly get business people and young aspiring entrepreneurs together for lively exchanges. Knowledge is the major asset of the 21st century, and it’s what makes the difference in the business world. Therefore, having information constitutes an important advantage.

The Sunday brunch chats are an exceptional opportunity for everyone to learn from the experience of a few pioneers who succeeded, and from some political leaders. What is sought here is mostly information about the day to day experience and the financial and economic analysis from influential people.

This activity will take place in three steps:

I-                   Introductory words from the invited leader who, depending on the title of the chat, will share her experience, and especially practical and reusable lessons she will have learned from everything she went through, and that others can draw inspiration from to reach their own goals. This part is planned to take up about a quarter of the total brunch chat time.

II-                Exchanges: better than a Q&A; session, this part is intended to delve deeper into experiences, but also to see how different situations (and more specifically the invited leader’s situation) relate to your own. The brunch participants are invited to actively take part so as to fully make use of the others’ experience. This is a great opportunity to run your problem through several other smart and wise people without being seen as intrusive. With such a formula, you can choose what you want to submit to collective thought, while keeping parts of the story to yourself as you see fit. These exchanges have tremendous value since this is a unique space where you can soak up ideas and suggestions from a crowd of experts, which you can’t normally do. This part will take up about half of the brunch chat time. This portion confirms that even though this event puts one person in the limelight due to her path, you really are at the center of the attention.

III-             Networking: most experts agree that in order to be successful in business, it’s important to maintain a strong network of connections. Our series of Sunday brunch chats are the ultimate opportunity to build relationships that may help you build a successful business. You will meet people who could provide solutions to your problems. Also, meeting people in such a context secures trust, and perhaps most importantly confirms that you have the means to fulfill your ambitions.

The other main reason for Sunday brunch chats is that they allow new entrepreneurs and some who have been at it for some time to build confidence. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet and chat with people who went through the same doubts you’re going through right now when they were starting out. You’ll see that you’re not the only one who makes mistakes, and that they cannot and must not put an end to your ambitions. Your discussions with people who turned obstacles into opportunities for growth will surely make you stronger.

In order to maintain its strategic potential and given its exclusive nature, access to the Sunday brunch chat is rather limited. The calendar is published several months ahead to allow people to sign up for it. CIBEC sends reminders to those who registered one week before the brunch.


The web is not only a business opportunity, but it’s also increasingly popular among several entrepreneurs as a space to gather knowledge or stay up to date in multiple fields. CIBEC organizes several webinars in many fields such as analytical accounting, marketing, or results-based management. During these seminars, CIBEC puts innovation in the service of the members of its network. Here the concern is with going much further than the classic acquisition of new knowledge to see how each can tame the information that is provided to them to practically put it in the service of their own ambitions. In these webinars, the emphasis is on the practical aspect in order to discover how each piece of knowledge can be used by participants. The advantage of the webinar is that you don’t need to leave the comfort of your surroundings to gain knowledge. These webinars are planned all year long.

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