The services sector is one of the two main areas of the Canadian economy.
It never ceases to grow with the rise of the population and mostly with mass immigration and students’ access to the middle class. On top of the growth of personal services, Industry Canada and other organisations indicate an exponential rise of accessory and support services to other sectors (primary and secondary). The potential for growth in this sector is therefore enormous and benefits are certain. However, it would be wise to know how to target this particular field. It is with respect to this last detail that CIBEC is unique since we aim to create a synergy around your idea in order to guarantee its profitability. CIBEC’s different support systems permit businesses in this field to pair up client satisfaction with a provision of services superior to standards of excellence expected in the field.
Our support gives companies the opportunity to quickly obtain a better comprehension of the operational environment, an appropriate development of the potential of the business and a successful establishment in the business processes of the businesses we support. The financing model provided by CIBEC in this sector takes care of relations and management mechanisms not only between businesses, but also between businesses and their clients.
Financing provided by CIBEC in this tertiary sector will be applied to the following activities:
Non-commercial activities | Commercial activities |
Health and well-being, education and training, advanced professional training and the acquisition of new skills | Hobbies, entertainment and personal care, information technologies, marketing, after-sales services, strategic communications, management consulting, client service, transport, finance, taxation. |
Note that CIBEC’s business model presents an evolution of synergy. Therefore, the first clients of the businesses we finance will be integrated into our network where many needs in terms of services are listed. You will therefore be assured to have your first clients as soon as you are accepted.