CIBEC invests in all activities concerning the buying or selling of goods and/or services in order to obtain something in return. The different Chambers of Commerce in Canada as well as Statistics Canada are formal on the importance of commercial activity.

Commercial activity let it be in wholesale or retail remains one of the most promising activities of the Canadian economy, with a high capacity of return on investment. CIBEC’s policy aims to find commercial ideas having a high potential of profitability for their promoters. To do so, the commercial activity must either meet an essential need, be useful or have a sentimental value for the clientele. This need must be recurrent not only to have faithful buyers, but also to continue on for the duration of the proposed business model.

CIBEC financing in this sector is essentially in three different types of commerce represented by the following diagram:

Wholesale Commerce

By relying on studies conducted by commercial schools in Canada and by different levels of government, either municipal, provincial or federal, CIBEC has identified the following wholesale commerce sectors as being the most promising in a business environment in Canada. They include, without being limited to, the following activities:

  • Wholesaler-distributors of agricultural products
  • Wholesaler-distributors of petroleum products
  • Wholesaler-distributors of food, drink and tobacco products
  • Wholesaler-distributors  of personal and residential goods
  • Wholesaler-distributors of vehicles and their parts
  • Wholesaler-distributors of construction materials and equipment
  • Wholesaler-distributors of machines, material and supplies
  • Wholesaler-distributors of diverse products
  • Agents and brokers of wholesale commerce

Retail Commerce in Store

The elements of stimulation of profits found by CIBEC bring it to dedicate its efforts of financing for retail commerce in stores in the following domains.

  • Automobiles and their parts: In this context, the identification of needs and location are important in the financing process.
  • Furniture and house accessories stores: A market study in order to demonstrate profitability is necessary.
  • Electronics and appliances stores: A demonstration of how the offer provides a better resale service to its clientele than the supermarkets is required.
  • Construction materials and gardening supplies merchants: Partners in the construction industry are essential in the awarding of financing in this sector.
  • Grocery stores: The location and the size of the population matter. We strongly advise you to take into consideration the demographic specificities in order to have an understanding of tastes when it comes to food: a targeting of foods preferred by immigrating populations may be a wise and paying strategy.
  • Health and personal care products stores: A good demographic targeting as well as possibilities for partnerships with health centres and retirement homes are strongly advised as strategies in order to guarantee financing.
  • Gas stations: Location, price policy as well as an agreement with distribution societies can be an advantage.
  • Clothing and accessories stores: It is necessary to demonstrate the added value in your business plan.  
  • Sports equipment, hobby, music and book stores: Highlight the specific needs of the population or of the targeted demographic.
  • Supply stores of all kinds: Specify by giving the added value of your store.         
  • Various retail stores: Specify by underlining the added value in your business plan.

Retail Commerce Outside of Stores 

This sector includes direct sales companies. Retailers that do not possess stores are usually forced to use alternative sale and distribution methods for their products. The essential element here is that many use new information and communication technologies to interact with their clientele, either for direct marketing purposes or for financial transactions in terms of buying and delivery. CIBEC has an extensive experience in this type of transaction, since it has financially supported many companies in the field of information technologies that are today very successful. Women who evolve in retail commerce outside of stores use their multiple networks and can rely, for example, on demonstrations in homes and on the presentations of their merchandise.

It must be noted that we do not finance the acquisition of franchises, let it be in-store retail or retail outside of stores.

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