Natural resources continue to play a major role in the Canadian and international economies.

It is however a sector possessing a very high risk. Its evolution starts at the developmental point to determine the presence of resources and to see if the quality and quantity present could sustain a profitable development. This is done through a range of activities that often have a hard time obtaining acceptance from financial groups. Following a strategic analysis, CIBEC has decided to exclude development from its field of financing, but positions itself as one of the best chances for a person/company having a natural resources development, transformation or production idea in any form whatsoever to obtain financing.

The need for support in terms of natural resources development is important because a misjudgment could be costly, keeping in mind the necessary investments. Only a small portion of CIBEC’s portfolio will go towards the development and transformation of natural resources.

Our involvement in this sector aims to support financially, but also in terms of mentoring and networking within any idea to transform raw matter into a final product, such as milk products for the production of yogurt and cheese. This last sector is very much in demand, as displayed by the growing numbers coming from home-made industries in the regions, for example. Only in 2012, dairy farms had a cumulative income of 5.9 billion dollars, according to the Canadian Dairy Information Centre. The demand in this sector is continuously growing. With CIBEC’s expertise in terms of industrial financing, candidates could obtain the means necessary to get a good yield from the economic intelligence supplied.

The food processing industry is a flourishing sector and represents no less than 2% of the workforce in Canada. This industry has succeeded in maintaining foreign competition at bay with a production that, according to the State of Agriculture in Canada, represents 77% of consumption of agricultural products in the country. This situation is symptomatic of an amazing potential. The number of young people wishing to work in this sector is always increasing, as can be seen by the family farms found throughout the country. CIBEC will provide financial assistance to ideas that have the capacity to guarantee profitability in the sector.

In the sector of the development, processing and production, mastering the production chain is the most important challenge and the element that can guarantee profitability and growth.

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