CIBEC finances business propositions that relate to innovation in the biofood sector.

Our support is offered to any company that will aim to transform only once any product originating from animals, bred or not, or from plants, cultivated or simply harvested. This section does not concern the forestry industry as defined by cutting or logging.

In this sector, the competitiveness of the company and its profitability depend on the speed with which it adapts to changes in the market. Its capacity to improve its productivity is a direct function of achieving large scale savings. The possibility to meet these challenges start with a certain mastery of the production chain. It is in this sense that CIBEC represents a major asset for any person/company looking to start a business in this sector. Our operational matrix, which constitutes a hub of excellence, makes not only substantial sums of money, but also numerous networks of production available to companies in order to minimize the risks and to make profits grow. We also help companies find openings in the sector to sell their products while offering continuing education that maintains their knowledge up-to-date and permits the to surf on the wave of risks while anticipating problems to come in the field caused by the economy. With CIBEC’s help, your company will be better prepared than other to face an eventual crisis in the field.

Canadians spend, on average, close to 200 billion dollars per year for food and these purchases represent almost 20% of personal expenses in the country, according to the minister of agriculture and Statistics Canada. In this sector, CIBEC agrees to finance companies that use technologies to innovate in the fields of agricultural services, primary agriculture, processing, but also the distribution of foods, retail sales and wholesales, as well as catering, among others.

Our financial and technical support aims to permit companies to:

  • Explore opportunities to conquer new markets.
  • Improve product quality, either in the texture, or in production time and energy invested.
  • Improve business practices with a good knowledge of all the actors that interact in your production chain.
  • CIBEC makes market studies available to companies, which allows them to differentiate and distance competition while leaving a permanent mark in the industry in terms of branding.

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