When a business idea arises, we are always looking for resources to make it happen and make a profit. CIBEC has a resource center to help you in this process. It is important to know the basic steps that separate you from success in business.
Legal Aspects
To start a business and get it to the point of sending bills so as to get your first income, you must be legally registered. To do this you have to choose between being a corporation or a company with limited responsibilities. Each of these categories has legal implications that will impact the running of your business. Thereafter, you have to follow the process that goes from a Nuans report (to see if someone else has already chosen this name), to legal registration. If it all does not take much time, the process still requires an understanding of the legal jargon. Moreover, the legal aspects also pertain to everything that is permitted or prohibited by law. Since there are regular updates, it can be tedious to master all the necessary legal elements. Our legal experts will be there to guide you along and simplify the process for you.
The Business Plan
The business plan is a document designed to help your partners have faith in you and eventually to finance your idea to turn it into a profit making business. It highlights your vision and your business model. However, this is a technical document that requires special skills to write. In order to write a business plan that allows institutions to invest in your idea, you will need to demonstrate your idea’s profitability. At CIBEC, we have a group of specialists whose business plans have managed to bring millions in terms of external financing. They will share their expertise with you in order to guide you in identifying the strengths of your idea that can quickly generate revenue. These experts will work with you based on your specific needs to identify the absolute value of your idea. They will show you the key points where your idea is different from others, as well as strategic considerations that will help you outpace the competition and quickly connect to your target audience.
The Marketing Plan
A marketing plan begins by identifying, through market research, specific customer needs and how your company intends answer those needs while generating an acceptable level of performance. This plan typically includes an analysis of the current market situation (opportunities and trends) and detailed action plans, budgets, sales forecasts, strategies and projected financial statements. This is an important and essential step in the development of your business. The biggest mistake young companies make is that they often think that it is a trivial fact that can be done on an ad hoc basis. You really need to use the expertise to build a marketing plan. CIBEC proposes experts who have experience in this field and whose plans have been awarded by various business organizations. Graduates of reputable trade, these experts will allow you to segment your market to calibrate your offer to the real needs of your target customers. The hallmark of such expertise is simply out of reach of small businesses, but your CIBEC membership opens the doors of unlimited knowledge.
Organizational Development
You started your business for some time now, but you feel that there are opportunities to increase your sales and increase your revenue while increasing profits. To achieve this, you would need more help. CIBEC’s teams of experts guarantee success in your organizational development.
Specific Resources
Depending on your type of business, there are many resources that make professional affiliations with specific credits that you need to become an authority in your field. CIBEC will see to the necessary research for you and will make the information available for your success.