
This section is for you who took the risk to start your own business. You who have given up the comforts of a stable paycheck at the end of each month to pursue the vein of your convictions. Yes, dear entrepreneurs, you who have the knack of jumping in through the small window of opportunity from which you can see a sliver of an ocean of possibilities. If you have, in the past years or months, pioneered a truly innovative product that changes the life of your environment, if you have participated in the development of a new business model, if you have contributed to creating a better version of an existing product or worked to make it cheaper and more accessible, if you increased the number of customers using a product that already exists, then this invitation will not leave you indifferent.

Join CIBEC to enable a new generation to grow while growing your assets. CIBEC is a great network that connects the basic needs of businesses to the solutions you offer.

With CIBEC, you can participate in many ways to increase your assets and to fluctuate your knowledge:


You can choose to mentor an entrepreneur or business by providing them, through CIBEC’s network, useful advice for the growth of their business. You will then rely on your experience to transfer your knowledge. This is the implementation of a knowledge economy that guarantees financial and cognitive benefits.


You can choose to simply bring your financial contribution to the running of the company after assessing the potential return. In this context, your money will work for you while CIBEC ensures a return on investment for you. In this perspective, only your willpower limits the number of funding opportunities. Very often in this context, some of our partners support companies entering their supply chain by enabling them to have control over their own organizational development.


Becoming one of the investors of CIBEC’s network, you can also choose to sit on the boards of companies that are being funded. This position gives you access to inside information about the running of the company.

Member of the selection jury:

Your successful entrepreneur position makes you a person who has a flair for bargain whose contribution can be decisive in the success of a business. Therefore, you can be a member of the selection jury for the various business plan competitions of the CIBEC program.

Submit your project!

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    Accepted file types: pdf, docx, doc, ppt, pptx, Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 5.

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